December 2024: Annual Holiday Party Time! Food, friends, and some board game fun. Looking forward to 2025 with this awesome group.
November 2024: Lab celebration for all we accomplished in 2024! Lunch at the Tipsy Cow followed by a successful escape from Escape This!
October 2024: Our annual Halloween party was a success! The costume commitment was phenomenal.
July 2024: Brittany Salazar joined the lab as a postdoc! She comes from the Ohi lab at the University of Michigan. She will work on microtubules and motors in zebrafish.
Summer 2024: We had two very talented students from Ripon College work with us over the summer. They did some amazing work looking at mitochondrial morphology and degradation at the synapse using electron microscopy. Great job Tia (third from left) and Jacob (fifth from left)!
Left to Right: Brittany Salazar, Serena Wisner, Tia Endrizzi, Candy Wong, Jacob Edwards, Chris Stein, Rachel Jones, Angelica Lang
July 2024: Candy’s first author paper was accepted at J. Neurosci! You can read about the impact of VapB and the ALS-associated mutation here.
June 2024: The lab attended the midwest zebrafish meeting in St. Louis. Great science and a fun visit to the city museum!
Left to Right: Brooke Weiler, Angelica Lang, Serena Wisner, Chris Stein
May 2024: Serena Wisner and Mady Chlebowski’s co-first author paper was accepted in Autophagy! If you’re interested in autophagosome transport initiation in axons, read about it here.
April 2024: Anita Venzke was awarded the iBio undergraduate summer research fellowship. She will be working all summer to understand the role of dynein modulation in axon outgrowth. Congrats Anita!!
December 2023: Lab holiday and end of year celebration. Looking forward to 2024 with this amazing group!
December 2023: Brooke Weiler has joined the lab as a graduate student! Brooke is in the NTP program at UW. Welcome Brooke!
December 2023: Angelica, Serena, and Candy represented the lab at the American Society for Cell Biology Conference. And enjoyed some fun in Boston!
October 2023: Spooky season fun!
July 2023: Lab picture day! Thanks Candy Wong for the great lighting and updated pictures.
June 2023: We said goodbye to Mady who is moving on to graduate school at UNC! Good luck Mady!
May 2023: End of the semester lab hike at Pheasant Branch. Cheers to the end of a great year! And goodbye and good luck to our undergraduate researcher Don Mai who is off to a clinical research internship this summer!
March 2023: Congratulations to Angelica Lang! Recipient of a NSF GRFP award to support her research in the lab for the next 3 years! Way to go, Angelica!
March 2023: Candy’s first author review on using zebrafish to study mitochondrial biology in the lateral line sensory system is out in Hearing Research! Congrats Candy!
October 2022: Great presentations from Don, Candy, Mady and Angelica are our regional Society for Developmental Biology meeting!
Angelica telling the crowd about mitochondrial biogenesis
Mady showing off her work on the HOPs complex in neurons
Candy’s work on mitochondria-ER contacts and neuronal mitochondrial maintenance was a big hit!
Don’s poster illustrated the disruption to the endolysosmal pathway in vps18 mutant zebrafish neurons
October 2022: In more great lab news, congrats to former lab member Dane Kawano on his first author paper! Read it here.
October 2022: Congrats to Candy on her Star Protocols paper acceptance!! Read it here.
October 2022: Happy spooky season from the Drerup lab!
July 2022: Belated lab celebration on the terrace. Happy birthday Angelica! Congrats to Candy on her paper submission (and superb cake)!
May 2022: Kaiya Johnson presented her project research project at the undergraduate research festival for Bio 152 and did a fantastic job! Thanks to her and her mentor for the semester, Mady Chlebowski.
May 2022: A very hot lab hike at beautiful Devil’s Lake!
March 2022: Lab fun on frozen lake Mendota! Followed by a lovely 5mi walk along the lake. Fun times with fun people.
December 2021 (a big month for our group!): Big welcome to our newest lab member, Angelica Lang! She is joining us as a graduate student from the Genetics training program here at UW-Madison. Look for big things from her soon!
December 2021: This month, while we said goodbye to Melissa, we welcomed a new research intern to the lab, Chris Stein. Chris has previous experience working with yeast. I told him zebrafish were basically just big yeast, right?
December 2021: Congratulations Melissa! Our first undergraduate has graduated and is taking a research position at PPD here in Madison.
November 2021: Happy Birthday Melissa!
End of Summer 2021: We said goodbye to our awesome summer undergrads, Emily and Jonathan. They each identified and propagated a new mutant line! So much potential in these young scientists!
Summer 2021 outdoor lab celebration on the terrace!
May 2021: Welcome Melissa Martin! Our newest Drerup lab member.
May 2021: Amrita’s paper was the subject of a commentary in Nature-Cell Death Discovery. Check it out!
April 2021: The lab welcomes our first UW-Madison Undergrad, Don Mai!
January 1, 2021: Happy New Year! The Drerup lab has officially opened at UW-Madison!
Dec. 2020: Amrita’s paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Neuroscience! Congrats Amrita!
August 2020: Candy Wong joins the lab as a postdoc! Welcome Candy!
Lab Happy Hour/Goodbye party as folks move on to new labs, new schools, and new adventures (July 24,2020). So lucky this awesome group chose to work with me.
Lab Holiday Party December of 2019. From left to right: Katie Klier, Serena Wisner, Amrita Mandal, Katie Drerup, Kate Pinter. Front: Lea the lab lab.
The lab in the fall of 2019 at the NICHD. Left to right - Front: Katie Drerup, Kate Pinter. Back: Serena Wisner, Amrita Mandal, Katie Klier.
Katie, Amrita, and Serena at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting in Washington DC. Fall 2019.
Goodbye party for Wesley before her trip to Arizona for graduate school, summer 2019. Left to right: Rebecca, Kate, Dane, Katie, Serena, Amrita, and Wesley.
SDB 2019 in Boston! Dane, Katie, Serena, and Amrita enjoyed some classic Irish fare before a stellar poster session.
First official lab picture! Summer of 2018. Left to right: Katie, Serena, Dane, Wesley, Kate, and Amrita.
Zebrafish meeting in Madison, summer of 2018.